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hi gang!!

There's a party and we're all going

And we're all growing up

Somebody's driving and he will be drinking

And no one's going back

'Cause we've tried hungry and we've tried full

And nothing seems enough

So tonight, tonight, the boys are gonna go

For more, more, more

And I want a love that falls as fast as a body from the balcony

And I want to kiss like my heart is hitting the ground

I'm holding my breath with a baseball bat

Though I don't know what I'm waiting for

I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be

Smell that, it's wet grass, and smoke in my hair

I think I've had enough

But he wants a finale and I came prepared

And we're not going back

And I've tried sharing and I've tried caring

And I've tried putting out

But the boys, boys, boys keep coming on

For more, more, more

And change, change, change is gonna come, but

When, when, when?

And I want a love that falls as fast

As a body from the balcony, and

I want to kiss like my heart is chasing me down

I'm holding my breath with a baseball bat

Though I don't know what I'm waiting for

I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be

And I want a love that falls as fast

As a body from the balcony, and

I want to kiss like my heart is hitting the ground

I'm holding my breath with a baseball bat

Though I don't know what I'm waiting for

I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be

I'm not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be

I wanna be what my body wants me to be

hey hey, this is js for random biz for funsies even tho this is so cringe, feel free to read all of this or scroll a bit to send me silly stuff, i may put u on my gallery!!

im mostly always busy with my gf or im out doing stuff ^^ but dm me whenever i mostly respond quickly... i do not have a filter i sometimes seem sarcastic or i get into petty arguments yawwnn


okegom, tcoaal, omori, fnaf,animal crossing, pinky and pepper forever, 

wonder egg priority, roblox, nso, class of 09, lps, horror games

funky ass art idk the name, gore (drawn not irl),music, shibari, horror games, cop shows and ghost shows,


draw me a silly picture or send a funny sentence or question.

music recommendations!

i saw mitski 2/6/23! <3

need more room to draw? click this guy!!


silly loaf art by trash!!

7 Words



Rory in early 20s


Machine Girl

Hoe Cakes


Drunk Walk Home



Blind Girls

Hidden Entrance



Tyler, The Creator

Working for the Knife
